Woodrise 2025

Woodrise 2025
Organizing Societies

Organizing Societies

FPInnovations is a private not-for-profit organization that specializes in the creation of solutions in support of the Canadian forest sector’s global competitiveness.  

It is ideally positioned to perform state-of-the-art research, develop advanced technologies, and deliver innovative solutions to complex problems for every area of the sector’s value chain, from forest operations to consumer and industrial products.  

FPInnovations’ R&D laboratories are located in Montréal, Quebec City, and Vancouver, and it has technology transfer offices across Canada.  

The FCBA technological institute was born from the merger of the AFOCEL (Association Forêt Cellulose) and the CTBA (Technical Center for Wood and Furniture), on June 1, 2007. FCBA employs about 300 people and is located in Champs-sur-Marne (77) – headquarters, Bordeaux (33), Cestas Pierroton (33), Charrey-sur-Saône (21), Verneuil-sur-Vienne (87), Grenoble (38), Nantes (44) and Nancy (54).  

As an industrial technical center, FCBA’s mission is to promote technical progress, to participate in the improvement of yield and to guarantee quality in the industry.  Its field of action covers the entire forestry-wood and furniture sectors : forestry, logging, sawmills, pulp and paper, wood-based panels, carpentry, structures, furniture, packaging and various products. It also works with various suppliers in these sectors.   

FCBA is the only research organization in Europe that works from the beginning of the forestry and wood industry to the end of the product’s life.  

Japan International Association for the Industry of Urban Development, Building and Housing (JUBH) collects and exchanges a wide range of information with related countries in order to cooperate as an industry for the purpose of developing the building and housing industry in other countries that are closely related to Japan. The purpose is to promote exchanges, foster a healthy relationship in the building and housing industry with other countries, and promote friendship and goodwill with the countries concerned.

The provincial government of British Colombia is responsible for legislation, governance, public services, economic development, environmental management and community support within the province of BC, Canada.

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